Hot water cylinders do not last forever. Over time your hot water cylinder will collect scale and sediment which collects at the bottom of the cylinder creating blockages, immersion heater failure and rapidly reduces efficiency.
Regular maintenance to your hot water cylinder can prolong it’s life, but eventually, replacement is always required.
Subcooled carry out hot water cylinder maintenance, repairs and replacements to all domestic and commercial equipment.
Our hot water cylinder maintenance schedule consists of the following checks:
– electrical test and inspection of all immersion heaters, pumps and associated isolators

– mechanical test and inspection of all pressure relief valves, expansion vessels, pumps and isolation valves

– hot water temperature checks including any associated mixing valves

– visual check for any sign of leaks

Failure to carry our regular hot water cylinder maintenance can result in complete failure, hot water cylinder explosion, electrical shock & a potential fire hazard.
Contact Subcooled for a free no obligation survey or quotation.
📞 08000302626
📬 enquiries@subcooled.co.uk
🌎 www.subcooled.co.uk
We also offer out of hours and 24hr services to reduce down time with commercial environments like pubs, restaurants and offices.
Hot water services are available Nationwide and locally within Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire & London.